Thursday, July 16, 2009

Stop Smoking Methods


I have a lot of stop smoking methods to share and ideas to discuss about how to stop smoking cigarettes and what to do in terms of stopping – when and where to begin if someone decides to really beat nicotine addictions. But it will take sometime to completely write all these methods but I am trying my best to accomplish my timetable. I talked about natural ways to stop smoking in my last article but it seems to me I haven’t totally talked about the most important matter or information in terms of stopping smoking. People who are searching for stop smoking tips and quit smoking methods may have found this blog and will remember what I am teaching for the last five articles that can help them in their stop smoking agenda. But for those people who are strongly addicted to nicotine and maybe smoking heavily in the last couple of years will find this blog a bit of frustration because tips to stop smoking that are provided by me are for smokers who are not totally hooked to the habit. But I have also those methods to quit smoking for chain smokers and will discuss it in my future posts. How to stop smoking for heavy smokers or stop smoking methods for chain smokers will be the topic for my future articles so hold on as I may reveal some secrets that no stop smoking e-book can provide. You will not find any of these stop smoking methods (which will be discussed in the future) in any of these so-called stop smoking experts.

The first step to stop smoking is to motivate your self that you need to give up cigarettes or else you may find it hard to end this habit later on. The longer you are hooked to the habit, the more difficult to get out. The reason behind this is that addiction to nicotine built a tough dependency that is very complex to overcome and there are no stop smoking methods that are available to back up the solution to the problem. Reality explains it for you that it don’t runs to the line of easy to get, easy to forget. No way, man! Your addiction takes long time to penetrate into your system, and usually took longer time to overcome and not easy to stop smoking and give up cigarettes for good. The chances of being successful in terms of stopping smoking really depend on your motivation and will power. Even if you found some effective ways to stop smoking, techniques to stop smoking or effective methods to stop smoking but you are not fully motivated, you can’t get it to the top spot. The real score is that it is the first step. Motivate yourself with all the things you can imagine. You may motivate your self to stop smoking by means of thinking all the side effects of smoking cigarettes to your body and to the people surrounding you as well. It is known fact that people getting second-hand smoke are more vulnerable to diseases and many illnesses connected to smoking. This is step no. 1.

The reason why I made this blog is to provide stop smoking methods that help people stop smoking and kick the bad habit cold turkey or gradually. People who want to stop smoking and live a healthier life than being hooked to nicotine for the rest of their lives may consider these stop smoking tips but to people who are too lazy to do all these stop smoking methods will somehow ignore what I am teaching in this blog. These people who are heavy smoking in the last five or ten years of their existence may find it hard to beat nicotine addiction and stop from smoking cigarettes because the dependency or the compulsion may have built a strapping obsession to nicotine. I am a bit sure that everybody wants to have stop smoking methods but never meet success due to lack of knowledge on how to quit smoking naturally. I can say that people who are against the fact that there are natural ways to stop smoking will argue with me that there are no such things which will easily give up cigarettes. They don’t believe the information I am giving because they are too blind to accept the reality and are just allowing addiction to take over the situation. The efforts I am making to help other people who are habitually smoke are not enough for them and such people are too damn lazy. If I can tell you all the details regarding my stop smoking theme, I would be too proud to say that I am able to beat the habit in a short period of time and this happening can be considered as a top story in the news. Likewise, many individuals who follow my methods to stop smoking can say that it is possible to stop smoking in a short period of time without the hassle of withdrawal symptoms and the likes. It is also not impossible to beat nicotine addiction if you properly pursue your plans to stop smoking.

You may disregard the thought that smoking is cool and adds maturity to an individual. You can stop smoking by thinking that this is a wrong perception in terms of maturity or being an adult. How many folks out there who think that this insight is true and continue to smoke died of lung cancer and emphysema?

Do not hesitate to look for methods on how to stop smoking. There are plenty of it out there that are not yet been discovered and are hidden behind the closet. If you search the internet for tips to help stop smoking you would surely get some crappy sites that do not actually give away these helpful tips. Never give up and try to seek again as long as you have the reason to stop smoking and think that it is just not yet concealed in your eyes. If you look for natural ways that can help you to stop smoking, you are giving your self some relevant sites that can assist you in your fight against the addiction. The best way to stop smoking is in front of you but you are too blind to see it because you are searching for easy ways to stop smoking which are not easily reachable. There may be some sites that provide this kind of situation and are really care about your health but most of these stop smoking blogs don’t care about you. They are after your money. They want you to buy their books that contain half truth and half lies. There are less stop smoking methods in these books. Be aware that if you stop smoking, you can encounter some problems and you can consider these situations to be a problem that can discourage you to end your plan to stop smoking. Tips, techniques and quit smoking procedures that can back up your motivation will be very effective ways to stop smoking. Don’t be depressing as you can find other ways and effective methods to stop smoking in the near future.

I have to end this article with the saying “No guts no Glory” for you to reflect on. This is not a joke but is actually what you need to be able to stop smoking. You can give up cigarettes by means of that guts and you can end your suffering if you are ready to take the chance and never give up until you get the result and positive effects to your stop smoking program.

Saturday, July 11, 2009



I am fortunate to find natural ways to help me stop smoking and I am glad that I decided to give up the habit because I am benefiting from it now. I am enjoying my life as a non-smoker and I am able to bring back my whole life today. Stopping smoking is a difficult task to accomplish and the start of the procedure of stop smoking campaign will be the beginning of your real fight to nicotine addiction. I was able to end the terrifying effects of cigarette smoking on my own and I am glad that I got some terrific results. To be able to maintain a non-smoking personality, I should not stop to seek natural ways to help stop smoking and stop smoking tips. This state of fighting is a non stop journey so to speak and I must continue to be open to all the possibilities.

My family is very supportive to me when I told them that I really want to stop smoking. They helped me to gain my persona as a loving person and they assist me with my quit smoking procedures. My loved ones provide me natural ways to stop smoking with so much assistance and they give me moral support as well. I am so glad that they helped me in my plans to stop smoking. I should be proud of it as I continue to get from them all the supports I need. They care about my health so they help me to recover from being addicted to nicotine. Closed family members join me in my advocacy in fighting nicotine addiction. They assist me in my everyday struggle to stop smoking.

Natural ways to help stop smoking is the safest methods when it comes to dealing with tar and nicotine addiction. It is an effective way to quit smoking because it only deals with you without the danger of taking drugs and oral medication that can threaten your health as well as your life. If your family supports you to beat nicotine addiction which ruins your health especially your lungs, I am sure that you can stop smoking for good. This is a natural way to stop smoking because it only requires motivation and determination. On the other hand, some heavy smokers find it hard to motivate their selves due to lack of will power and self control. They find it hard to apply the natural ways that is needed in quitting smoking.

In addition, if you can apply quit smoking procedures naturally, you don’t need stop smoking programs that are very expensive nowadays. These programs offer a lot of techniques that help to stop smoking but you need huge amount of money to be able to obtain one. Many sites are offering e-books to stop smoking and are giving away natural ways to stop smoking and easy tips to smokers how to beat the addiction. Once they get your interest, you should be ready to spend money to get these books. These books are written by medical experts that specialize in beating nicotine addiction. Procedures to stop smoking are written in details so that a heavy smoker can get rid of the smoking habit. You can also find cheap stop smoking e-books or free quit smoking PDF file provided by many individuals which, unfortunately, are not effective ways to quit smoking. You should be aware that nicotine addiction is very difficult to deal with so be sure that you apply stop smoking programs or natural ways to stop smoking with care. Remember to ask addiction experts before trying the methods that you learned here or in any other blog or sites. It is suitable for everyone to secure advice from people who know how to handle this kind of situation. As a matter of fact, information gathered by these experts can be considered as scientific and is safe way to stop smoking.

If you want to stop smoking you must begin to prepare your body in a tough event that may or can happen to you while in the process of stopping smoking. If you want natural ways to stop smoking, then you should look for assistance to some people that handle the same techniques as herbalist do. The only question yet to be unanswered is the effectiveness of the stop smoking program because of lack of studies that proves this kind of treatment to nicotine addiction to be safe and effective. If you do the stop smoking procedures that are not proven to be out of harm's way, your health is at risk. At least, for the time being addicted to nicotine I may say. So be certain about the methods you will apply to your quit smoking agenda.

I am telling you that the natural way to stop smoking is to think of your family and your love and care for them to be able to fight the terrible habit of smoking. Get rid of all the cigarettes in your pocket and stop smoking now before it’s too late.

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